Monday, January 14, 2013

Balsamic Asparagus

So I had some asparagus to finish up last night, and I didn't want to do the normal "throw it in a pan with spices and olive oil and roast it" bit. That's when I remembered we had balsamic vinegar.

Tomatoes (I needed to use up grape tomatoes, but cherry tomatoes would go great as well)
Balsamic vinegar
Half a lemon
Garlic salt

Snap your asparagus like normal after washing it. Put it in a medium to large pan, depending on how much you're cooking. Slice the tomatoes in half and add them. Start cooking over medium heat, stirring frequently to keep the tomatoes from burning. Once the asparagus starts to turn vibrant green, add in a drizzle of balsamic. Be careful not to overdo the balsamic or the results will border on inedible. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon over the mix. Add a good amount of garlic salt (gives a lovely counter balance to the balsamic). Keep stirring. Cooking time should take 5-7 minutes total.

I unfortunately did not have any mushrooms on hand, but sliced mushrooms would also pair beautifully with this dish. Kids actually tried a bite of asparagus. Mady asked me to put a stalk on her plate and ate half of it, so I call that a victory!

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