Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Oven Roasted Chicken

So whole chickens were on sale at HEB a few weeks ago. I decided to buy one and figure out what to do with it later. This past Saturday was that later. lol. I decided to try roasting the chicken, which meant I needed to borrow Mom's roasting pan. So I just invited them over. (This is beginning to sound like "If you give a mouse a cookie, he'll want a glass of milk..."). The result was AMAZING.

Whole fryer chicken (mine was about 5 lbs.)
Melted butter
Herbs of choice (I opted for sage, oregano, paprika, and garlic powder)
A few tbsp of butter

Wash your chicken under cold water. Make sure all the straggly feathers were plucked, since nobody likes eating a feather! Preheat your oven to 375. Set your chicken on the roasting pan. Make sure all the innards were removed. Chop your potatoes. My chicken carcass held about 1 medium sized potato chopped small. Stuff in the carcass. Add the seasonings and butter. Mix it all with a spoon. Baste your chicken with the melted butter (or olive oil if you don't want too much butter). Cover all of the carcass really well. Sprinkle some of the seasoning on top. Roast for 1.5-2 hours, checking every 30 minutes to rebaste as needed. My bird took roughly the full 2 hours. I also made roasted potatoes, carrots, and mushrooms with the bird. This served 4 adults and 1 bottomless pit preschooler, with some left over for lunch the next day!

You do not have to stuff the chicken with potatoes. You can just add herbs for extra flavor if you want.

The skin should come out golden brown and crispy. The chicken is ready when the juices are running clear. This was soo tasty, and very fork tender. James cut it with a knife off the bone, but otherwise you didn't really need a knife at all!

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